Finance Management - Billing (Financial Accounting)
This module is the heart of HMS application where Hospital’s all kind of internal financial transactions are tracked. All the financial transactions from different modules like OPD, IPD, DC etc. are going into this module. It is a purely administrative module for keep tracking all kind of incoming and outgoing financial transaction produce by the different modules belong to HMS.
- View, Check and Pass all type of bills and vouchers.
- Withdrawal of Money From Bank
- Money Transfer to Bank
- Consultant wise periodic bill generation
- Staff wise periodic bill generation
- Bill Settlement (If Required)
- IPD Bill Reports
- IPD Final Bill Process
- Full Daily Collection (Discipline or Department wise)
- IPD Collection (Consultant wise / Bed Wise / Nurse wise / Service Wise/Test Wise/Procedures wise)
- IPD Collection (Consultant wise / Service Wise / Test Wise / Procedure wise)
- OPD Billing Reports.
- Preparation of Payment vouchers.
- Preparation of Financial Statements like Receipt Summary, RP Accounts, Trail Balance, Balance Sheet etc.